Friday 30 November 2012

The Situation Behind The Poem Of Shikwa

Allama Iqbal Poetry
 When Allama Iqbal started poetry, although at that time british government has been ruled many years on Hindustan, and Muslims wanted a separate state. Muslims were satisfy that there is an Islamic Caliphate. King of Turkey was the king of all Muslims, and he was ruling over Asia, Europe and Africa.
Muslims were thinking that they have to be unite to support the Caliphate and fight against Christian states.
 Syed Jamal ud din Afghani Spread this idea to Muslim.
He belonged to Afghanistan, but due to some reasons he migrated, He visited Egypt, Iran and Turkey and make great speeches to spread his Ideas, although he didn't succeeded his ambition completely, but due to his speeches all the Muslims agreed to be unite.


Allama Iqbal Shikwa

Allama Iqbal Shikwa

Allama Iqbal Shikwa
Allama Iqbal Shikwa

To Read Shikwa in Urdu click Here

To Read Shikwa English Translation click here

Poems by Allama Muhammad Iqbal

Allama Iqbal Poetry
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was not only a poet, he was also a philosopher, Lawyer and true Muslim. He was born at that time when the condition of Muslims in sub-continent and all over the world was not very good. The population of Muslims in sub-continent was very low as compare to the Hindus. After the Independent war of 1957, british government punished the Muslims in many ways by economically, oppressing, snatching the properties and jobs of Muslims.
british government created a big difference between Muslims and Hindus by doing injustice with Muslims. The condition of Muslims was very poor at that time.
 Allama Iqbal was born 20 years after the independent war. He observe the condition of Muslims very closely.
He was very disappointed for the condition of Muslims. In his young age he took the support of his pen and start writing poetry for Muslims specially for youth.
 He wrote his poetry many decades ago but certainly you will feel it fresh also in present.

Click here to read Poems in Baang e Dra.

Click here to read Poems in Baal e Jibreel

Click here to read Poems in Zarb e Kaleem

Click here to Read poems in Armaghan e Hijaz.

Find any Urdu Poetry Of Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal's Poetry
I write this post for clearing misconception about Allama Iqbal. Now a days i am looking many poetry named with Allama Iqbal that really doesn't belong to Iqbal. Many owner of pages as well as people on facebook doing this without knowing the origin of poetry. It is also not so easy to read poetry and mark it as it is Iqbal's poetry or not, but you could verify easily with this method about that i am talking.
Use this method only for urdu poetry(poetry in these books Baang e Dra, Baal e Jibreel, Zarb e Kaleem, Armaghan e Hijaz)  not Persian or Arabic Poetry.

Ist Step. Visit This Link and type the words you want to verify as Iqbal's poetry. Suppose you type
 لب  پہ  آتی ہے دعا   
after typing copy it  and paste it on the right side in this Site in the tab named "SEARCH THIS BLOG" and hit search.

Find Poetry Of Allama Iqbal

2nd Step
If you found any search result like this

then you it is the poetry of Allama Iqbal if you don't find any result it means, it is not the poetry of Iqbal because this site have all the Urdu poetry of Iqbal. But be careful type it only in Urdu in this link.  and type right if you make a mistake you will not seen any search result.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Majnoo Abandoned Habitation

Majnooabandoned habitation, you should abandon wilderness also
If there be ambition for Sight, you should abandon Lailah also
O preacher! Perfection of abandonment attains the objective
As you have abandoned the world, abandon the Hereafter also
Suicide is better than the way of taqlid
Seek your own path, abandon the love of Khizar also
Like the pen the un-Islamic message is on your tongue
Abandon unjustified pride in the un-Islamic objects also
Theology is no pleasure if heart does not have Love’s pathos
If you are not the Wounded, you should abandon fluttering also
Weep like the dew on flowers and leave the garden
Abandon the desire of staying in this garden also
The custom of Love is abandonment of all
Abandon temple, mosque, and church also
This is not business, this is ‘ibadat  of God !
O ignorant one, abandon the longing for reward also
It is good to guard Intuition with Intellect
But sometimes you should let it go alone also
What life is that which is dependent on others ?
Abandon dependence on the life of fame also
Repeated request is a kind of boldness ! O Kalim
The condition for approbation is to abandon urging also
As the preacher brought proof in support of wine
Iqbal insists that he should abandon drinking also

I Bear Hardships On Myself

I bear hardships on myself, I am unconcerned with others
Alas! How strange, I am the oppressor, I am the ignorant
I existed only till the time Thy Splendor appeared
I am the falsehood which is annihilated by the Truth
From the knowledge’s sea divers came out with pearls in hand
Alas, O deprivation! A mere pebble collector on the sea shore I am
My disgrace itself is the demonstration of my nobility
I am the negligence which the angels ardently desire
O the existence’ assemblage! Be not proud of your beauty
You are a mere picture of the assemblage, I am the assemblage
O Iqbal! I am in constant search for myself
                       I am the traveler as well as the destination

When That Beniaz Opens

When that Beniaz opens His Graceful Hand
Why should the niazmand be not proud of his humility
You have confined Him to the ‘Arsh, O preacher !
What kind of God would keep away from His people?
In my view he is not a rind at all, O cup-bearer
Who would distinguish between ecstasy and lack of it
Always remain very attentive to the heart, this orchestra is such
If broken, it would produce the music of the Secret
Somebody should ask how it hurts the preacher
If God shows His Grace even to the sinner
O God! From where does poetry acquire its heat?
This is a thing with which even stone would soften
Nightingale’s lament comes from discrimination between tulip and rose
No one in the world should open the discriminating eye
The arrogance of piety has taught the preacher
To use abusive language to the people of God
Such wind should blow from India, O Iqbal
Which would blow me as dust to Hijaz

Completion Of Your Love

Completion of your Love is what I desire
Look at my sincerity what little I desire
It may be oppression or the promise of unveiling
Something testing my perseverance I desire
May the pious be happy with this Paradise
Only to see your Countenance I desire
Though I am but a tiny little heart I am so bold
To hear the same "Lan tarani" I desire
O assembly’s companions! I am existing only for a few moments
I am the dawn’s candle, I am about to be extinguished
I have divulged the secret in the full assembly
I am very insolent, punishment I desire